Rockies Venture Club

Want to learn more? Please visit our main website:

Upcoming Events

    • Tuesday, January 14, 2025
    • 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
    • Hybrid: In-Person at Thrive Workplace, 1415 Park Ave W, Denver, CO 80205 or Online - Zoom Virtual Meeting

    The RVC Pitch Academy is a half-day workshop designed to do much more than just polish a founder’s pitch and presentation skills. From delivering a compelling presentation to negotiating a successful deal, this workshop will prepare founders to understand many of the terms and processes used by VCs and sharpen their venture strategy.

    Key topics include:

    • Preparing a business for a deal
    • Designing a deck
    • Delivering the pitch
    • Communicating the value for venture funding
    • Balancing pitching a product vs. pitching a company
    • Raising equity vs. convertible debt
    • Communicating risks that don’t raise red flags
    • Understanding investor psychology
    • Following up with interested investors

    RVC’s Pitch Academy instructors have years of experience working with angel + venture capital investors; the Pitch Academy content reflects deep and useful insights about investor priorities and interests. Multiple instructors ensure one-on-one engagement, including pitch practice with real-time feedback.

    For early-stage companies, this is the most cost-effective fundraising consulting you can get! Pitch Academy is free to RVC Investor and Entrepreneur members.

    Learn more about membership: RVC Membership

    Founders: Please bring a pitch deck and laptop to practice.

    Note: To pitch to investors at an upcoming RVC Investor Forum, you must apply to pitch and be accepted by the RVC investment screening committee. 

    Hybrid Event: In-person at Thrive Workplace, 1415 Park Ave W, Denver, CO 80205 or Online - Zoom Virtual Meeting. 

    • Tuesday, January 21, 2025
    • 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM
    • Hybrid: In-person @ Thrive Workplace Ball Park, 1415 Park Ave W, Denver, CO 80205 or Virtual via Zoom

    RVC January 2025 Investor Forum

    Hosted at Thrive Ballpark

    RVC Investor Forums bring together accredited angel investors interested in fast-growing, early-stage companies in Colorado. These forums serve to pool the wisdom, expertise, and capital of many individual angels. At this forum, investor members will hear pitches, and afterwards the founders are excused and investors discuss the merits and risks of each venture. There is no requirement to invest and each investor has an opportunity to indicate interest in following or leading a specific deal. Both new and experienced investor members are welcome at forums -- this is the best way to learn hands-on about angel investing! 

    Meeting Agenda:

    Welcome and Introductions

    3:00pm to 3:15 pm

    Deal-in-Play Discussion

    3:15pm to 4:00pm

    Company Pitches

    4:00 pm to 5:00pm

    Investor Only Discussion

    5:00 to 6:00pm

    Investor Social

    6:00 to 7:00pm

    Presenting Companies

    Smart Response Technologies patented Delphini SaaS AI for public safety integrates into channel partner platforms to eradicate 9-1-1, 9-8-8 and rescue professional Command & Control miscommunications with live transcription (closed caption) and lifesaving keyword alerting.

    Smart Response Technologies will be pitching virtually.

    Fllite is redefining the existing $25 billion on-demand air services industry by redefining the marketplace and automating outdated manual processes for service providers while simplifying access for travelers.

    Fllite will be pitching in-person.

    Measure Studio provides AI-powered social media insights for brands, agencies, and media companies, including Disney, Pepsi, Intuit, Vox, and BBC.

    Measure Studio will be pitching virtually.

    Relavo is a medical device company focused on improving the lives of kidney failure patients by reducing infection risk in home peritoneal dialysis (PD).

    Relavo will be pitching in-person.

    To attend this event, you must be accredited: Net worth of at least one million US dollars, not including the value of one’s primary residence, or have made at least $200,000 each year for the last two years [or $300,000 if jointly filing] and have the expectation to make the same amount this year. We do not require a minimum investment.

    • Tuesday, January 28, 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
    • Hybrid Meeting - In-person in Greeley (location TBD) or virtual via Zoom

    Angel Investing 101 Workshop

    Introduction to Angel Investing

    In partnership with the City of Greeley

    Tuesday, January 28th | 9:00am to 11:00am MST

    Join Rockies Venture Club for Angel Investing 101 to acquire the necessary skills to successfully secure and/or deploy angel investment. Without such training, new investors might spend years and over $250,000 to learn effective investment strategies on their own. The session offers significant benefits including a promising return on investment, potential tax advantages, insights into cutting-edge innovation, and opportunities to connect with fascinating individuals.

    This session is open to both entrepreneurs seeking to learn more about how to secure angel investment and "angel-curious" investors who are in pursuit of the best early stage startup investment deal flow. Rockies Venture Club offers education to both entrepreneurs and investors through the extension of this program, Angel Accelerator, the RVC Pitch Academy, and the RVC HyperAcceleratorIn addition to education, RVC Members receive access to 140+ events annually, which include Monthly Investor Forums, Industry Investment Nights, and the Angel Capital Summit.

    Topics Covered Include:

    • Introduction to Rockies Venture Club

    • Best Practices for Pitching Angels

    • Angel Investor Due Diligence Strategies

    • Angels v.s. VC's

    • National Syndication - Angel Capital Association

    • Angel Investment Tax Advantages

      • Tuesday, January 28, 2025
      • 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
      • Hybrid Event: In-person in Greeley location TBD or Online - Zoom Virtual Meeting.

      The RVC Pitch Academy is a half-day workshop designed to do much more than just polish a founder’s pitch and presentation skills. From delivering a compelling presentation to negotiating a successful deal, this workshop will prepare founders to understand many of the terms and processes used by VCs and sharpen their venture strategy.

      Key topics include:

      • Preparing a business for a deal
      • Designing a deck
      • Delivering the pitch
      • Communicating the value for venture funding
      • Balancing pitching a product vs. pitching a company
      • Raising equity vs. convertible debt
      • Communicating risks that don’t raise red flags
      • Understanding investor psychology
      • Following up with interested investors

      RVC’s Pitch Academy instructors have years of experience working with angel + venture capital investors; the Pitch Academy content reflects deep and useful insights about investor priorities and interests. Multiple instructors ensure one-on-one engagement, including pitch practice with real-time feedback.

      For early-stage companies, this is the most cost-effective fundraising consulting you can get! Pitch Academy is free to RVC Investor and Entrepreneur members.

      Learn more about membership: RVC Membership

      Founders: Please bring a pitch deck and laptop to practice.

      Note: To pitch to investors at an upcoming RVC Investor Forum, you must apply to pitch and be accepted by the RVC investment screening committee. 

      Hybrid Event: In-person in Greeley location TBD or Online - Zoom Virtual Meeting. 

      • Thursday, January 30, 2025
      • 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
      • Hybrid: In-Person @ Thrive Workplace Ball Park, 1415 Park Ave W, Denver, CO 80205 or Virtual via Zoom

      RVC Funding Mastermind

      Hosted at Thrive Ballpark

      The RVC Funding Mastermind is a group mentoring session where entrepreneurs can source candid advice on dilemmas they face with fundraising. Attendees help one another with strategy, actions for getting funded, leads and contacts, support and holding each other accountable for achieving goals. In addition, participants receive professional coaching from Rockies Venture Club, investors, and mentors. 

      For early-stage companies, this is the most cost-effective fundraising consulting you can get! Mastermind sessions are free to RVC Investor and Entrepreneur members.

      Learn more about membership: RVC Membership

      Who Should Attend?: Entrepreneurs looking for group feedback their startup company; Investors looking to help provide insight from their experience and get to know companies who will be looking for funding.

      What is the Format?: 2-hour session, with the first 15 minutes reserved for intros and posing dilemmas to the group. From there, facilitators drive the discussion by diving deep into 5-10 of the most pressing dilemmas.

      Hybrid: In-Person @ Thrive Workplace Ball Park, 1415 Park Ave W, Denver, CO 80205 or Virtual via Zoom

      • Wednesday, February 05, 2025
      • 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
      • Hybrid: In-Person at Visit Fort Collins Welcome Center, 7 Old Town Square, Suite 100, Fort Collins, CO 80524 or Online - Zoom Virtual Meeting

      The RVC Pitch Academy is a half-day workshop designed to do much more than just polish a founder’s pitch and presentation skills. From delivering a compelling presentation to negotiating a successful deal, this workshop will prepare founders to understand many of the terms and processes used by VCs and sharpen their venture strategy.

      Key topics include:

      • Preparing a business for a deal
      • Designing a deck
      • Delivering the pitch
      • Communicating the value for venture funding
      • Balancing pitching a product vs. pitching a company
      • Raising equity vs. convertible debt
      • Communicating risks that don’t raise red flags
      • Understanding investor psychology
      • Following up with interested investors

      RVC’s Pitch Academy instructors have years of experience working with angel + venture capital investors; the Pitch Academy content reflects deep and useful insights about investor priorities and interests. Multiple instructors ensure one-on-one engagement, including pitch practice with real-time feedback.

      For early-stage companies, this is the most cost-effective fundraising consulting you can get! Pitch Academy is free to RVC Investor and Entrepreneur members.

      Learn more about membership: RVC Membership

      Founders: Please bring a pitch deck and laptop to practice.

      Note: To pitch to investors at an upcoming RVC Investor Forum, you must apply to pitch and be accepted by the RVC investment screening committee. 

      Hybrid Event: In-person at Thrive Workplace, 1415 Park Ave W, Denver, CO 80205 or Online - Zoom Virtual Meeting. 

      • Tuesday, February 25, 2025
      • 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
      • Virtual via Zoom

      RVC Cleantech Screening Committee

      February 2025

      Join the RVC Screening Committee to review and select pitch applications for the upcoming Investor Forum. Each cycle, RVC receives over 100 applications for the opportunity to present to our network of investors. The RVC team then selects the top applicants for each cycle to discuss with investor members during the screening committee meetings.

      During this session, we will set our focus on Cleantech. Industry verticals that typically apply to the RVC Cleantech Application include but are not limited to AgTech, Energy Storage, Materials, Chemicals, Recyclables, Renewable Energy, Natural Resource Management, and WaterTech. We encourage you to join us whether you are an industry expert or novice seeking to grow your investor knowledge!

      For this cycle, we will be reviewing and selecting applications to pitch at the upcoming RVC Signature Series: Cleantech Night

      To prepare for this session, review the links below:

      If you are an entrepreneur, and are interested in applying to pitch at the upcoming Investor Forum, submit an RVC Pitch Application.

      RVC Screening Committee Meetings are Investor Member only events. To learn more about investor membership, check out RVC Membership or email   

      RVC Screening Committee Meetings are hosted Virtually via Zoom. Pre-screening lists and the meeting agenda will be shared with registrants in the weeks prior to the screening committee meeting, so be sure to sign up early!

      • Friday, February 28, 2025
      • 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
      • Hybrid: In-person @ Thrive Workplace Ball Park, 1415 Park Ave W, Denver, CO 80205 or Virtual via Zoom

      Introduction to Angel Investing

      February 28th, 2024 @ Thrive Ballpark

      Are you "Angel Curious"? Join this session for FREE!

      How does someone learn how to be a successful Angel Investor?

      Engage in the RVC Angel Accelerator program to acquire the necessary skills for successful angel investing. Without such training, new investors might spend years and over $250,000 to learn effective investment strategies on their own. Through hands-on exercises and mentorship from experienced investors, Angel Accelerator offers significant benefits including a promising return on investment, potential tax advantages, insights into cutting-edge innovation, and opportunities to connect with fascinating individuals.

      Join the Spring 2025 Cohort!

      Beginning with this introduction session, cohort members will dive into the Angel Accelerator program through a combination of asynchronous learning, mastermind sessions, RVC Investor Forums, and virtual office hours. The Angel Accelerator Curriculum is designed to span 10 weeks with 2-5 hours of participation per week. The program can be completed entirely remote, however, there are multiple opportunities to engage in person!

      I'm in! Except... what's the cost?

      Become an RVC Active Investor Member to receive the full workshop and a toolkit full of angel investing resources. RVC Active Investor Membership is $1,495/annually, with no term or investment commitments. With RVC Active Investor Membership, you also receive free access to the 100+ events we host annually, which include Monthly Investor Forums, Signature Series Nights, Mastermind Sessions, Due Diligence Deep Dives, Investor Screening Committees, and more!

      Have Questions? Send us an email!

      Hybrid: In-person @ Thrive Workplace Ball Park, 1415 Park Ave W, Denver, CO 80205 or Virtual via Zoom

        • Thursday, March 06, 2025
        • 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
        • Hybrid: In-person @ Thrive Workplace Ball Park, 1415 Park Ave W, Denver, CO 80205 or Virtual via Zoom
        • 19

        RVC Exit Strategy Mastermind

        Hosted at Thrive Ballpark

        The RVC Exit Strategy Mastermind is a group mentoring session where entrepreneurs can source candid advice on dilemmas they face with fundraising. Attendees help one another with strategy, actions for getting funded, leads and contacts, support and holding each other accountable for achieving goals. In addition, participants receive professional coaching from Rockies Venture Club, investors, and mentors. 

        For early-stage companies, this is the most cost-effective fundraising consulting you can get! Mastermind sessions are free to RVC Investor and Entrepreneur members.

        Learn more about membership: RVC Membership

        Who Should Attend?: Entrepreneurs looking for group feedback their startup company; Investors looking to help provide insight from their experience and get to know companies who will be looking for funding.

        What is the Format?: 2-hour session, with the first hour reserved for introductions and a presentation on the mastermind topic. From there, facilitators will open the group up for discussion diving further into the topic discussed or other dilemmas presented by attendees.

        Location: In-person @ Thrive Workplace Ball Park, 1415 Park Ave W, Denver, CO 80205 or Virtual via Zoom

        • Tuesday, March 11, 2025
        • 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
        • Hybrid: In-person @ Thrive Workplace Ball Park, 1415 Park Ave W, Denver, CO 80205 or Virtual via Zoom

        The RVC Pitch Academy is a half-day workshop designed to do much more than just polish a founder’s pitch and presentation skills. From delivering a compelling presentation to negotiating a successful deal, this workshop will prepare founders to understand many of the terms and processes used by VCs and sharpen their venture strategy.

        Key topics include:

        • Preparing a business for a deal
        • Designing a deck
        • Delivering the pitch
        • Communicating the value for venture funding
        • Balancing pitching a product vs. pitching a company
        • Raising equity vs. convertible debt
        • Communicating risks that don’t raise red flags
        • Understanding investor psychology
        • Following up with interested investors

        RVC’s Pitch Academy instructors have years of experience working with angel + venture capital investors; the Pitch Academy content reflects deep and useful insights about investor priorities and interests. Multiple instructors ensure one-on-one engagement, including pitch practice with real-time feedback.

        For early-stage companies, this is the most cost-effective fundraising consulting you can get! Pitch Academy is free to RVC Investor and Entrepreneur members.

        Learn more about membership: RVC Membership

        Founders: Please bring a pitch deck and laptop to practice.

        Note: To pitch to investors at an upcoming RVC Investor Forum, you must apply to pitch and be accepted by the RVC investment screening committee. 

        Hybrid: In-person @ Thrive Workplace Ball Park, 1415 Park Ave W, Denver, CO 80205 or Virtual via Zoom

        • Thursday, March 27, 2025
        • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
        • Virtual via Zoom

        Virtual Office Hours

        March 27th, 2025

        Virtual via Zoom

        Discussion Topic: Proformas & Capital Strategy

        How does someone learn how to be a successful Angel Investor?

        Engage in the RVC Angel Accelerator program to acquire the necessary skills for successful angel investing. Without such training, new investors might spend years and over $250,000 to learn effective investment strategies on their own. Through hands-on exercises and mentorship from experienced investors, Angel Accelerator offers significant benefits including a promising return on investment, potential tax advantages, insights into cutting-edge innovation, and opportunities to connect with fascinating individuals.

        Become a Member!

        This Virtual Office Hours session is associated with an ongoing cohort. Become an RVC Active Investor Member to reserve your spot in the next Angel Accelerator cohort!  Each cohort dives into the Angel Accelerator program through a combination of asynchronous learning, mastermind sessions, RVC Investor Forums, and virtual office hours. The Angel Accelerator Curriculum is designed to span 10 weeks with 2-5 hours of participation per week. The program can be completed entirely remote, however, there are multiple opportunities to engage in person!

        With RVC Active Investor Membership, you also receive free access to the 100+ events we host annually, which include Monthly Investor Forums, Signature Series Nights, Mastermind Sessions, Due Diligence Deep Dives, Investor Screening Committees, and more!

        Apply to Angel Accelerator Today:

          • Tuesday, April 15, 2025
          • Thursday, April 17, 2025
          • Westin Hotel, Westminster

          ACA 2025 - The Summit of Angel Investing

          Denver, Colorado
          April 15-17, 2025
          Ann and Bill Payne ACA Angel University courses offered on April 15, 2025 onsite.

          ACA 2025 - The Summit of Angel Investing

          The ACA Summit in 2025 is elevating to the Mile High City – where all things are possible! Join us for three days of quality content, interactive discussions and vibrant networking to elevate your angel investing experience. Whether you are a new or experienced investor, angel group leader or part of the broader community supporting entrepreneurs and early-stage investments, you’ll learn the latest on trending topics and meet new people, all to help improve your outcomes.

          Inspiring Speakers and All New Topics Our all-star lineup of speakers will kick off informative and interactive discussions to help you reach new heights. The welcome reception, breakout sessions, and networking breaks are designed for maximum engagement to make more connections.

          • Vision and Inspiration
          • Investor Organizational Leaders
          • Tricks of the Trade for New and Experienced Investors
          • The Evolving Ecosystem
          • Sector Trends & Updates
          • The Flagship Event of the Industry

          The ACA Summit is the flagship angel investing event of the year. Hosted by the Angel Capital Association (ACA), it supports professional development of new and experienced angel investors and ecosystem leaders exploring critical topics facing the angel investing community. It’s the must-attend event to hear the latest findings and best practices from industry experts and network with a diverse community to help angel investors make smart investment decisions.

          ACA is the largest angel investor professional development organization in the world, representing more than 15,000 angels who invest individually or through 250+ angel organizations, online platforms, and family offices. ACA members work side by side with other motivated, successful early stage investors to identify prospective investments, conduct due diligence research, mentor and advise early-stage companies and enhance local startup ecosystems.

          Ann and Bill Payne ACA Angel University

          The Ann and Bill Payne ACA Angel University provides a foundational curriculum for a deeper understanding of important investment topics and to prepare angel investors for their next deal. Open to attendees of the ACA Summit 2025, local investors, entrepreneurs and ecosystem players, there are four pre-summit seminars, held on April 15, 2025.

          Register here to participate in additional group discounts through RVC!

          • Tuesday, April 22, 2025
          • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
          • Virtual via Zoom

          Virtual Office Hours

          April 22nd, 2025

          Virtual via Zoom

          Discussion Topic: Lead Investors & Board Members

          How does someone learn how to be a successful Angel Investor?

          Engage in the RVC Angel Accelerator program to acquire the necessary skills for successful angel investing. Without such training, new investors might spend years and over $250,000 to learn effective investment strategies on their own. Through hands-on exercises and mentorship from experienced investors, Angel Accelerator offers significant benefits including a promising return on investment, potential tax advantages, insights into cutting-edge innovation, and opportunities to connect with fascinating individuals.

          Become a Member!

          This Virtual Office Hours session is associated with an ongoing cohort. Become an RVC Active Investor Member to reserve your spot in the next Angel Accelerator cohort!  Each cohort dives into the Angel Accelerator program through a combination of asynchronous learning, mastermind sessions, RVC Investor Forums, and virtual office hours. The Angel Accelerator Curriculum is designed to span 10 weeks with 2-5 hours of participation per week. The program can be completed entirely remote, however, there are multiple opportunities to engage in person!

          With RVC Active Investor Membership, you also receive free access to the 100+ events we host annually, which include Monthly Investor Forums, Signature Series Nights, Mastermind Sessions, Due Diligence Deep Dives, Investor Screening Committees, and more!

          Apply to Angel Accelerator Today:

            • Tuesday, April 29, 2025
            • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
            • Virtual via Zoom

            RVC Life Sciences Screening Committee

            April 2025

            Join the RVC Screening Committee to review and select pitch applications for the upcoming Investor Forum. Each cycle, RVC receives over 100 applications for the opportunity to present to our network of investors. The RVC team then selects the top applicants for each cycle to discuss with investor members during the screening committee meetings.

            During this session, we will set our focus on Life Sciences. Industry verticals that typically apply to the RVC Life Sciences Application include but are not limited to Biotech, Digital Health, Food Science, Geonomics, Health Informatics, Kinesiology, Prosthetics, and Medical Devices. We encourage you to join us whether you are an industry expert or novice seeking to grow your investor knowledge!

            For this cycle, we will be reviewing and selecting applications to pitch at the upcoming RVC May 2025 Investor Forum

            To prepare for this session, review the links below:

            If you are an entrepreneur, and are interested in applying to pitch at the upcoming Investor Forum, submit an RVC Pitch Application.

            RVC Screening Committee Meetings are Investor Member only events. To learn more about investor membership, check out RVC Membership or email   

            RVC Screening Committee Meetings are hosted Virtually via Zoom. Pre-screening lists and the meeting agenda will be shared with registrants in the weeks prior to the screening committee meeting, so be sure to sign up early!

            • Tuesday, April 29, 2025
            • 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
            • Virtual via Zoom

            RVC Cleantech Screening Committee

            April 2025

            Join the RVC Screening Committee to review and select pitch applications for the upcoming Investor Forum. Each cycle, RVC receives over 100 applications for the opportunity to present to our network of investors. The RVC team then selects the top applicants for each cycle to discuss with investor members during the screening committee meetings.

            During this session, we will set our focus on Cleantech. Industry verticals that typically apply to the RVC Cleantech Application include but are not limited to AgTech, Energy Storage, Materials, Chemicals, Recyclables, Renewable Energy, Natural Resource Management, and WaterTech. We encourage you to join us whether you are an industry expert or novice seeking to grow your investor knowledge!

            For this cycle, we will be reviewing and selecting applications to pitch at the upcoming RVC May 2025 Investor Forum

            To prepare for this session, review the links below:

            If you are an entrepreneur, and are interested in applying to pitch at the upcoming Investor Forum, submit an RVC Pitch Application.

            RVC Screening Committee Meetings are Investor Member only events. To learn more about investor membership, check out RVC Membership or email   

            RVC Screening Committee Meetings are hosted Virtually via Zoom. Pre-screening lists and the meeting agenda will be shared with registrants in the weeks prior to the screening committee meeting, so be sure to sign up early!

            • Wednesday, April 30, 2025
            • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
            • Virtual via Zoom

            RVC Technology Screening Committee

            April 2025

            Join the RVC Screening Committee to review and select pitch applications for the upcoming Investor Forum. Each cycle, RVC receives over 100 applications for the opportunity to present to our network of investors. The RVC team then selects the top applicants for each cycle to discuss with investor members during the screening committee meetings.

            During this session, we will set our focus on Technology. Industry verticals that typically apply to the RVC Technology Application include but are not limited to Artificial Intelligence, SaaS, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Data Analytics, Consumer Products & Goods, and Food and Beverage. We encourage you to join us whether you are an industry expert or novice seeking to grow your investor knowledge!

            For this cycle, we will be reviewing and selecting applications to pitch at the upcoming RVC May 2025 Investor Forum.

            To prepare for this session, review the links below:

            If you are an entrepreneur, and are interested in applying to pitch at the upcoming Investor Forum, submit an RVC Pitch Application.

            RVC Screening Committee Meetings are Investor Member only events. To learn more about investor membership, check out RVC Membership or email   

            RVC Screening Committee Meetings are hosted Virtually via Zoom. Pre-screening lists and the meeting agenda will be shared with registrants in the weeks prior to the screening committee meeting, so be sure to sign up early!

            • Thursday, May 08, 2025
            • 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
            • Hybrid: In-Person @ Thrive Workplace Centennial, 9200 E Mineral Ave, Centennial, CO 80112 or Virtual via Zoom
            • 19

            RVC Due Diligence Mastermind

            Hosted at Thrive Workplace Centennial

            RVC Masterminds are a group mentoring session where entrepreneurs can source candid advice on dilemmas they face with fundraising. Attendees help one another with strategy, actions for getting funded, leads and contacts, support and holding each other accountable for achieving goals. In addition, participants receive professional coaching from Rockies Venture Club, investors, and mentors. 

            For early-stage companies, this is the most cost-effective fundraising consulting you can get! Mastermind sessions are free to RVC Investor and Entrepreneur members.

            Learn more about membership: RVC Membership

            Who Should Attend?: Entrepreneurs looking for group feedback their startup company; Investors looking to help provide insight from their experience and get to know companies who will be looking for funding.

            What is the Format?: 2-hour session, with the first hour reserved for introductions and a presentation on the mastermind topic. From there, facilitators will open the group up for discussion diving further into the topic discussed or other dilemmas presented by attendees.

            Location: In-Person @ Thrive Workplace Centennial, 9200 E Mineral Ave, Centennial, CO 80112 or Virtual via Zoom

            • Wednesday, May 21, 2025
            • 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM
            • Hybrid: In-person @ Thrive Workplace Centennial, 9200 E Mineral Ave, Centennial, CO 80112 or Virtual via Zoom

            RVC May 2025 Investor Forum

            Hosted at Thrive Workplace Centennial

            RVC Investor Forums bring together accredited angel investors interested in fast-growing, early-stage companies in Colorado. These forums serve to pool the wisdom, expertise, and capital of many individual angels. At this forum, investor members will hear pitches, and afterwards the founders are excused and investors discuss the merits and risks of each venture. There is no requirement to invest and each investor has an opportunity to indicate interest in following or leading a specific deal. Both new and experienced investor members are welcome at forums -- this is the best way to learn hands-on about angel investing! 

            Meeting Agenda:

            Welcome and Introductions

            3:00pm to 3:15 pm

            Deal-in-Play Discussion

            3:15pm to 4:00pm

            Company Pitches

            4:00 pm to 5:00pm

            Investor Only Discussion

            5:00 to 5:30pm

            Happy Hour

            5:30 to 7:00pm

            Presenting Companies


            To attend this event, you must be accredited: Net worth of at least one million US dollars, not including the value of one’s primary residence, or have made at least $200,000 each year for the last two years [or $300,000 if jointly filing] and have the expectation to make the same amount this year. We do not require a minimum investment.

            • Friday, June 06, 2025
            • 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
            • Hybrid: In-person @ Thrive Workplace Ball Park, 1415 Park Ave W, Denver, CO 80205 or Virtual via Zoom

            Introduction to Angel Investing

            June 6th, 2025 @ Thrive Ballpark

            Are you "Angel Curious"? Join this session for FREE!

            How does someone learn how to be a successful Angel Investor?

            Engage in the RVC Angel Accelerator program to acquire the necessary skills for successful angel investing. Without such training, new investors might spend years and over $250,000 to learn effective investment strategies on their own. Through hands-on exercises and mentorship from experienced investors, Angel Accelerator offers significant benefits including a promising return on investment, potential tax advantages, insights into cutting-edge innovation, and opportunities to connect with fascinating individuals.

            Join the Summer 2025 Cohort!

            Beginning with this introduction session, cohort members will dive into the Angel Accelerator program through a combination of asynchronous learning, mastermind sessions, RVC Investor Forums, and virtual office hours. The Angel Accelerator Curriculum is designed to span 10 weeks with 2-5 hours of participation per week. The program can be completed entirely remote, however, there are multiple opportunities to engage in person!

            I'm in! Except... what's the cost?

            Become an RVC Active Investor Member to receive the full workshop and a toolkit full of angel investing resources. RVC Active Investor Membership is $1,495/annually, with no term or investment commitments. With RVC Active Investor Membership, you also receive free access to the 100+ events we host annually, which include Monthly Investor Forums, Signature Series Nights, Mastermind Sessions, Due Diligence Deep Dives, Investor Screening Committees, and more!

            Have Questions? Send us an email!


            Hybrid: In-person @ Thrive Workplace Ball Park, 1415 Park Ave W, Denver, CO 80205 or Virtual via Zoom

              • Thursday, June 12, 2025
              • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
              • Virtual via Zoom

              Virtual Office Hours

              June 12th, 2025

              Virtual via Zoom

              Discussion Topic: Exit Strategy

              How does someone learn how to be a successful Angel Investor?

              Engage in the RVC Angel Accelerator program to acquire the necessary skills for successful angel investing. Without such training, new investors might spend years and over $250,000 to learn effective investment strategies on their own. Through hands-on exercises and mentorship from experienced investors, Angel Accelerator offers significant benefits including a promising return on investment, potential tax advantages, insights into cutting-edge innovation, and opportunities to connect with fascinating individuals.

              Become a Member!

              This Virtual Office Hours session is associated with an ongoing cohort. Become an RVC Active Investor Member to reserve your spot in the next Angel Accelerator cohort!  Each cohort dives into the Angel Accelerator program through a combination of asynchronous learning, mastermind sessions, RVC Investor Forums, and virtual office hours. The Angel Accelerator Curriculum is designed to span 10 weeks with 2-5 hours of participation per week. The program can be completed entirely remote, however, there are multiple opportunities to engage in person!

              With RVC Active Investor Membership, you also receive free access to the 100+ events we host annually, which include Monthly Investor Forums, Signature Series Nights, Mastermind Sessions, Due Diligence Deep Dives, Investor Screening Committees, and more!

              Apply to Angel Accelerator Today:


                • Tuesday, July 01, 2025
                • 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
                • Hybrid: In-Person @ Thrive Ballpark, 1415 Park Ave W, Denver, CO, 80205 or Virtual via Zoom
                • 19

                RVC Financial Proformas & Capital Strategy Mastermind

                Hosted at Thrive Ballpark

                RVC Masterminds are a group mentoring session where entrepreneurs can source candid advice on dilemmas they face with fundraising. Attendees help one another with strategy, actions for getting funded, leads and contacts, support and holding each other accountable for achieving goals. In addition, participants receive professional coaching from Rockies Venture Club, investors, and mentors. 

                For early-stage companies, this is the most cost-effective fundraising consulting you can get! Mastermind sessions are free to RVC Investor and Entrepreneur members.

                Learn more about membership: RVC Membership

                Who Should Attend?: Entrepreneurs looking for group feedback their startup company; Investors looking to help provide insight from their experience and get to know companies who will be looking for funding.

                What is the Format?: 2-hour session, with the first hour reserved for introductions and a presentation on the mastermind topic. From there, facilitators will open the group up for discussion diving further into the topic discussed or other dilemmas presented by attendees.

                Location: In-Person @ Thrive Workplace Centennial, 9200 E Mineral Ave, Centennial, CO 80112 or Virtual via Zoom

                • Monday, July 07, 2025
                • Friday, July 11, 2025
                • Greeley, CO
                • 100

                City Council

                **Please note, applicant deposits will be accepted once the cohort is selected.**

                The RVC HyperAccelerator is an ultra-intense mentor-driven program that dives deep into the tough strategies and questions that need to be developed to land angel or venture investing. At the end of the program companies will have a detailed and sophisticated exit strategy, OKRs, Go To Market, Five Valuation Models, Capital Strategy, Scaling Strategy and more. The program ends with a demo day with an audience of angel and VC investors.

                Register for the HyperAccelerator program and get your company truly venture capital ready. This program is for companies who have done the basics already - it's not a place to just try out an idea. Companies should be ready to raise capital immediately or within the next six months.

                City of Greeley

                Thanks to a generous grant from the City of Greeley, this HyperAccelerator will be free for all participants from the City of Greeley. If selected, there are no fees, no equity, no materials costs, no pitch fees, no diligence cost, etc. Nothing. All we ask is that participants show their commitment to complete the program with a $150 deposit that we return to cohort members after they participate in Demo Day.

                Apply to HyperAccelerator - Due Sunday, June 15th

                To apply to participate in the upcoming HyperAccelerator program, please follow the instructions on the RVC HyperAccelerator Application webpage. 

                For all questions, please reach out to

                Apply to Mentor!

                One of the many benefits of our HyperAccelerator is that each entrepreneur will be signed up with a mentor. In order to pack everything into one short week, we are looking for experienced business people who bring their expertise to startups pitching for capital. Mentors work one-on-one with pitch companies to help them craft their strategy and present the information that investors need to know. These will be highly dynamic sessions that are sure to be fun!

                HyperAccelerator Mentor Application

                For all questions, please reach out to

                • Wednesday, July 16, 2025
                • 3:00 PM - 6:30 PM
                • In-person @ TBD or Virtual via Zoom

                City Council

                RVC Greeley HyperAccelerator®

                Demo Day

                Wednesday, July 16th, 2025

                TBD or Virtual via Zoom

                RVC's HyperAccelerator® is a unique program with all the content, mentors and workshops of a 12 week accelerator packed into six action filled days. RVC HyperAccelerator® graduates work hands-on with investors, fractional executives, and various mentors to hone their venture strategy in order to coherently deliver their investor pitch at Demo Day. Angel Investors and VCs will have a chance to see pitches from venture capital ready companies and participate in a private discussion alongside other accredited investors.

                This Demo Day is a public event with in-person and virtual attendance options!  

                If you want to learn more about the RVC HyperAccelerator® program check out

                Meet the Cohort!


                Event Agenda:

                Check-in & Networking

                3:00pm to 3:30 pm

                RVC Introduction

                3:30pm to 3:45pm

                Cohort Pitches

                3:45 pm to 5:15pm

                Closing Remarks & Wrap-up

                5:15 to 5:30pm

                Investor Only Discussion

                5:30 to 6:30pm

                • Thursday, July 24, 2025
                • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
                • Virtual via Zoom

                Virtual Office Hours

                July 24th, 2025

                Virtual via Zoom

                Discussion Topic: Lead Investors & Board Members

                How does someone learn how to be a successful Angel Investor?

                Engage in the RVC Angel Accelerator program to acquire the necessary skills for successful angel investing. Without such training, new investors might spend years and over $250,000 to learn effective investment strategies on their own. Through hands-on exercises and mentorship from experienced investors, Angel Accelerator offers significant benefits including a promising return on investment, potential tax advantages, insights into cutting-edge innovation, and opportunities to connect with fascinating individuals.

                Become a Member!

                This Virtual Office Hours session is associated with an ongoing cohort. Become an RVC Active Investor Member to reserve your spot in the next Angel Accelerator cohort!  Each cohort dives into the Angel Accelerator program through a combination of asynchronous learning, mastermind sessions, RVC Investor Forums, and virtual office hours. The Angel Accelerator Curriculum is designed to span 10 weeks with 2-5 hours of participation per week. The program can be completed entirely remote, however, there are multiple opportunities to engage in person!

                With RVC Active Investor Membership, you also receive free access to the 100+ events we host annually, which include Monthly Investor Forums, Signature Series Nights, Mastermind Sessions, Due Diligence Deep Dives, Investor Screening Committees, and more!

                Apply to Angel Accelerator Today:


                  • Tuesday, July 29, 2025
                  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
                  • Virtual via Zoom

                  RVC Life Sciences Screening Committee

                  July 2025

                  Join the RVC Screening Committee to review and select pitch applications for the upcoming Investor Forum. Each cycle, RVC receives over 100 applications for the opportunity to present to our network of investors. The RVC team then selects the top applicants for each cycle to discuss with investor members during the screening committee meetings.

                  During this session, we will set our focus on Life Sciences. Industry verticals that typically apply to the RVC Life Sciences Application include but are not limited to Biotech, Digital Health, Food Science, Geonomics, Health Informatics, Kinesiology, Prosthetics, and Medical Devices. We encourage you to join us whether you are an industry expert or novice seeking to grow your investor knowledge!

                  For this cycle, we will be reviewing and selecting applications to pitch at the upcoming RVC Signature Series: Life Sciences Night

                  To prepare for this session, review the links below:

                  If you are an entrepreneur, and are interested in applying to pitch at the upcoming Investor Forum, submit an RVC Pitch Application.

                  RVC Screening Committee Meetings are Investor Member only events. To learn more about investor membership, check out RVC Membership or email   

                  RVC Screening Committee Meetings are hosted Virtually via Zoom. Pre-screening lists and the meeting agenda will be shared with registrants in the weeks prior to the screening committee meeting, so be sure to sign up early!

                  • Thursday, August 07, 2025
                  • 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
                  • Hybrid: In-person @ Thrive Workplace Ball Park, 1415 Park Ave W, Denver, CO 80205 or Virtual via Zoom
                  • 19

                  RVC Valuations & Term Sheets Mastermind

                  Hosted at Thrive Ballpark

                  RVC Masterminds are a group mentoring session where entrepreneurs can source candid advice on dilemmas they face with fundraising. Attendees help one another with strategy, actions for getting funded, leads and contacts, support and holding each other accountable for achieving goals. In addition, participants receive professional coaching from Rockies Venture Club, investors, and mentors. 

                  For early-stage companies, this is the most cost-effective fundraising consulting you can get! Mastermind sessions are free to RVC Investor and Entrepreneur members.

                  Learn more about membership: RVC Membership

                  Who Should Attend?: Entrepreneurs looking for group feedback their startup company; Investors looking to help provide insight from their experience and get to know companies who will be looking for funding.

                  What is the Format?: 2-hour session, with the first hour reserved for introductions and a presentation on the mastermind topic. From there, facilitators will open the group up for discussion diving further into the topic discussed or other dilemmas presented by attendees.

                  Hybrid: In-person @ Thrive Workplace Ball Park, 1415 Park Ave W, Denver, CO 80205 or Virtual via Zoom

                  • Thursday, September 25, 2025
                  • 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
                  • Hybrid: In-Person @ Thrive Workplace Ball Park, 1415 Park Ave W, Denver, CO 80205 or Virtual via Zoom
                  • 19

                  RVC Funding Mastermind

                  Hosted at Thrive Ballpark

                  The RVC Funding Mastermind is a group mentoring session where entrepreneurs can source candid advice on dilemmas they face with fundraising. Attendees help one another with strategy, actions for getting funded, leads and contacts, support and holding each other accountable for achieving goals. In addition, participants receive professional coaching from Rockies Venture Club, investors, and mentors. 

                  For early-stage companies, this is the most cost-effective fundraising consulting you can get! Mastermind sessions are free to RVC Investor and Entrepreneur members.

                  Learn more about membership: RVC Membership

                  Who Should Attend?: Entrepreneurs looking for group feedback their startup company; Investors looking to help provide insight from their experience and get to know companies who will be looking for funding.

                  What is the Format?: 2-hour session, with the first 15 minutes reserved for intros and posing dilemmas to the group. From there, facilitators drive the discussion by diving deep into 5-10 of the most pressing dilemmas.

                  Hybrid: In-Person @ Thrive Workplace Ball Park, 1415 Park Ave W, Denver, CO 80205 or Virtual via Zoom

                  • Tuesday, September 30, 2025
                  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
                  • Virtual via Zoom

                  RVC Life Sciences Screening Committee

                  September 2025

                  Join the RVC Screening Committee to review and select pitch applications for the upcoming Investor Forum. Each cycle, RVC receives over 100 applications for the opportunity to present to our network of investors. The RVC team then selects the top applicants for each cycle to discuss with investor members during the screening committee meetings.

                  During this session, we will set our focus on Life Sciences. Industry verticals that typically apply to the RVC Life Sciences Application include but are not limited to Biotech, Digital Health, Food Science, Geonomics, Health Informatics, Kinesiology, Prosthetics, and Medical Devices. We encourage you to join us whether you are an industry expert or novice seeking to grow your investor knowledge!

                  For this cycle, we will be reviewing and selecting applications to pitch at the upcoming RVC October 2025 Investor Forum

                  To prepare for this session, review the links below:

                  If you are an entrepreneur, and are interested in applying to pitch at the upcoming Investor Forum, submit an RVC Pitch Application.

                  RVC Screening Committee Meetings are Investor Member only events. To learn more about investor membership, check out RVC Membership or email   

                  RVC Screening Committee Meetings are hosted Virtually via Zoom. Pre-screening lists and the meeting agenda will be shared with registrants in the weeks prior to the screening committee meeting, so be sure to sign up early!

                  • Tuesday, September 30, 2025
                  • 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
                  • Virtual via Zoom

                  RVC Cleantech Screening Committee

                  September 2025

                  Join the RVC Screening Committee to review and select pitch applications for the upcoming Investor Forum. Each cycle, RVC receives over 100 applications for the opportunity to present to our network of investors. The RVC team then selects the top applicants for each cycle to discuss with investor members during the screening committee meetings.

                  During this session, we will set our focus on Cleantech. Industry verticals that typically apply to the RVC Cleantech Application include but are not limited to AgTech, Energy Storage, Materials, Chemicals, Recyclables, Renewable Energy, Natural Resource Management, and WaterTech. We encourage you to join us whether you are an industry expert or novice seeking to grow your investor knowledge!

                  For this cycle, we will be reviewing and selecting applications to pitch at the upcoming RVC October 2025 Investor Forum

                  To prepare for this session, review the links below:

                  If you are an entrepreneur, and are interested in applying to pitch at the upcoming Investor Forum, submit an RVC Pitch Application.

                  RVC Screening Committee Meetings are Investor Member only events. To learn more about investor membership, check out RVC Membership or email   

                  RVC Screening Committee Meetings are hosted Virtually via Zoom. Pre-screening lists and the meeting agenda will be shared with registrants in the weeks prior to the screening committee meeting, so be sure to sign up early!

                  • Wednesday, October 01, 2025
                  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
                  • Virtual via Zoom